For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return
Leonardo Da-Vinci
So you want to fly like a bird?
Paragliding actually allows you to do that!
There's nothing like climbing in silence all the way to cloud base in the company of birds of prey or your fellow pilots.
Paragliding is probably the purest form of free flight known to man.
Israel is blessed with favorable soaring conditions almost year-round.
"LAUF" (means to fly Hebrew), a professional full-time paragliding operator, offers a complete range of services.
A Tandem is a flight with an instructor and a passenger flying as a team under the same wing - twice as large as a solo wing.

Tandem flights take place year round. During the spring and summer months it's possible to experience a tandem flight almost daily, in Netanya on the coast.
On weekends, a mountain tandem flight is possible from Mevo Hama or Katef Shaul Gilboha
An Unforgettable Gift - A tandem flight can make a an original and exciting gift that is not quickly forgotten.
Flying tandem passenger as a passenger is suitable for ages 7-80 and weight of 20-120 Kg. In other words, see yourself invited.
Who can do it?
The cost of a tandem flight is 350 NIS
You can pay cash or by cc.
How much does it cost?
How do i book tandem?
To reserve the most convenient time for you, you can either call:
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Phone Number:
35 Ovad Ben-Ami Blvd, Netanya (Shouthern promenade)
Tel: 054-6714440
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